Hogmoor Inclosure SANG

Avon construction has created a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) at the former Prince Philip Barracks in Bordon, for Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company.

The 54 acres of strategic woodland and heathland will be home for a variety of wildlife, and an area for local people to enjoy, with supporting car parking, picnic areas, footpaths and cycleways.

Our works have included vegetation clearance; construction of a 70m2 bat bunker; the installation of wildlife boxes; the creation of 7 hectares of heathland; construction of 2000m of footpaths; installation of 1200m of fencing and a footbridge installation.

The Natural Play Area within Hogmoor Inclosure has included the planting of 2000 native plants; installation of feature gabion walls and gabion wall seating; artwork installations; pond creation; gravel footpaths with granite set features and the installation of stepping stone logs.

We will be returning to Hogmoor Inclosure in Autumn 2017 to complete the planting of the trees and native woodland, when the new planting season commences.

The Natural Play Area was formally opened on 19th June 2017.