Beaver Screens and Path Works

Avon Construction were commissioned by Plymouth City Council to Design and Build 2 No Beaver Screens over Bircham Stream in Plymouth. The river is prone to flash flooding and therefore required a robust system to enclose the Beavers. 

A beaver enclosure has been constructed within an area of woodland at Poole Farm, Leigham, Plymouth.  This is enclosed with an existing high fence to keep the beavers in the enclosure. The original steel trash screens built to continue the fence line across the watercourse had failed. This contract was to design and construct replacement robust steel screens across the watercourse to prevent the beavers from escaping from the enclosure.

The works were carried out during the Summer of 2023 and Avon Construction had to deal with unseasonable wet weather. Access to the site was limited due to the remote location of the works.

The works comprised of water diversion works,  installation of precast concrete base units, installation of galvanised steel trash screen frame and gabion baskets walls.

Avon Construction also completed Phase 2 of the Path works which were completed 2 years previously. This work included 60m of timber edge gravel path, boardwalk, 40m of tarmac paths and mains water connection for 4 water troughs for cattle